Coolibah Persian Sheep Stud
Coolibah Persian Sheep Stud is operated by Colin and Meredith Walker and is located at Pearcedale on Victoria’s beautiful Mornington Peninsula. Approximately 400 Persian sheep are held at the stud. Persian sheep are rare in Australia and this number represents over 50% of the total Australian flock. Thanks to the high standard of the original imports in 1999 and 2006 the quality of Persian sheep in Australia is very high. Coolibah Stud is dedicated to establishing and promoting this beautiful , placid, multi-purpose breed of sheep in Australia.
Colin Walker is president of the Australian Persian Sheep Association (APSA), which is affiliated with the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association (ASSBA).
Coolibah Stud is accredited Brucellosis free.
All Persian sheep in Australia are descended from animals in 3 import shipments from South Africa. Two import shipments were made by Mr Denis Russell in 1999 and 2006. A third shipment was made by Dr Jean van Neikirk in 2006.Coolibah Persian Sheep Stud purchased the majority of the Denis Russell animals and was responsible for the Van Neikirk sheep becoming available in Australia. All of the Van Neikirk imported sheep came to Coolibah.
Coolibah Persian Sheep Stud is a registered stud with the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association. Coolibah Stud was the first ,and is still only one of seven Persian sheep studs to be recognised and become registered with ASSBA in Australia. Coolibah stud was allocated the Persian Stud Flock , Number 001 in the Australian national flock book which registers and maintains a record of studs and their animals ( and has done so since 1910 ). To register Persian sheep in Australia, sheep need to be either referenced back to Coolibah sheep or directly to sheep imported by Dennis Russell. The original stock of all of the other 6 Persian studs registered with ASSBA were obtained from Coolibah Persian Sheep Stud.
Colin and Meredith Walker are happy to assist you with any Persian sheep queries that you may have and can be contacted by phone on 0412 481 239.
Interested in getting some Persian sheep ? Coolibah Stud ewes are mated so as to lamb in November and December each year and sheep become available from the following May onwards. If we have no sheep available we will help direct you to other breeders who may have animals for sale.